Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Janusz Korwin Mikke – taxes

I would like to make presentation about some topics, but described subjectively, because from point of view of Janusz Korwin Mikke. I do not want to tell you if I am for or against them and which i like or not, important is what do you think about this ideas. At the very beginning i would like to put here a few facts about Mr. Janusz. He is a father of 6 children, his education  is mainly Math and Philosophy. He is publicist of many many articles and  author of few books, politics from 1962 always on the right side of this scene with conservative views. His hobbies are mainly chees and bridge. First of all i would like to tell you what Mr Mikke thinks about taxes. Very good introduction to this will be this movie. It is very simple but shows how many taxes we are paying, and how much money we receive for work.
Mr Korwin thinks that our country is thief. He thinks that today working people are punished for this that they are working. His idea is to take money from them only for few basic common benefits: army, police ,and necessary government. So he wants decrease taxes. It means that in our pockets there will be more money. It is bright side of his ideas. Something what can worry is that we, citizens will have to pay from our pocket for healthcare and also gather money for our pension. But his calculations shows, that all money which we will gather not paying taxes will be enough to pay for healthcare and to have better pension. Of course it means that everyone will have to mange his money carefully, because if he will spend money from taxes for pleasures, not carrying about future, he will be poor in his old age. Here are few more films about money and Mr Janusz ideas.


Would you like to manage your own money or you would like that government manage them as it is doing today?
Do you think that many people will become poorer then they are now after many years of work if they will manage their money on their own?
Do you think that quality of services we receive for paying taxes is good?
Have you got any idea how taxes should look like, or should they be completely abolished?

Janusz Korwin Mikke – European Union

In 2004 Poland joined with 10 other countries to the European union. In 2003 74% of Polish society which voted (58% of authorized to voting) told  YES for joining. All of them thought that it is a must, that outside European union we will have no chance to develope and participate in Europe politics. But Janusz Korwinn Mikke had different point of view. Here is what he thinks:
What he says is that Polish country since 2009 lose his sovereignty, that our country will be depends on government of European Union. He also defines EU as country, and describes how EU power can determine law in Poland. He sees great danger in it, and prognoses the incoming recession. He describes EU as bureaucratic institution which from central is creation overall law, which does not suit in every country. Moreover this law is hindering entrepreneurs what is slowing down development of country. As example he gives Germany which in some moments had minus PKB and he sais that it is because participation in EU.Mr. Korwin says that this bureaucratic machine as our government is bandit, which is stealing and wasting money. His flagship argument is spending many millions of euro for fight with global warming which in his opinion is not proved. And even if it will be we have no reasons to worry, because a few degrees more will only be better for agriculture.  This material from 14th - 19th minute is about Janusz Korwin Mikke point of view  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0MNykIN_38&feature=related

Do you think that in some someone in Bruxele will decide about every law in our country?
Do you think that outside EU Poland would be in worst situation and why?
Do you think that Poland lost lot of its sovereignty?

Janusz Korwinn Mikke – women

After many years of discriminations women in 1869r received right to vote. From this time many things have changed. Women can work on the same position as man,. Women  can not only vote but also be elected as prime minister or president. The duties which were domain of women now are also duties of a man. It seems that in most countries there is equality. There are protest of women that steel they have got to little to say in government, that they are earning less that man at the same position and that steel they are discriminated. What is Mr. Janusz Korwin Mikke point of view?
He is for clear division who is a man and who is a woman and what are man and women duties. In His opinion men are more intelligent, for example because most of significant inventions in world history authors were men. But he do not want to treat is as discrimination because he thinks that women is brilliant in other things, like home keeping, carrying about children. He also admires women beauty. He tells that nowadays woman have got worst life because they have to work as hard as man, that in past at home they had less duties. J.K.M says also that women are fighting for power, but at the and they want a man to be a ruler. As example he gives example of women who started in president election and that she as the only one women, and she was not chosen. So it means that women do not want her to rule them.

Do you think that there should be equality on every level between man and women?
Do you agree with that that women are dubmer than man, and if yeas, what does it mean?
Do you think that women are discriminated at work?