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read an article of your interest and present your opinion on the topic it covers.
Secondly, comment on your friends' articles.
I really like the "Tiny, Easy-to-Build Weapons Annihilate Office Boredom" article on wired.com.
ReplyDeleteThe Ping-Pong Zooka is a less deadly version of the potatoe launcher. Google "spud gun" for videos. All in all people have to be dead bored at work to build things like that.
I was checking on http://designcrave.com , because I really love design, communicationdesign and similar things! When I open the site, there was a article "60 Sexy & Sordid Vintage Paperback Covers". When I read that, later was very happy, because one of my interests are the covers of books or newspapers in vintages style.It was pleasure for me! :)
ReplyDeleteThree sites to choose from :) hmm... Everyone can find something nice. I chose the article "Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine" from http://www.wired.com/politics/security/magazine/17-10/mf_deadhand?currentPage=all.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel that my choice stands out a bit too much and you want to show it:) or if you just find the subject interesting, come visit my blog http://brysio.blogspot.com/2011/03/world-peace-and-a-bomb.html :)
Feel free to comment on my outlook on the atomic matters of life and death :)
Closest to my interest was the tech portal. I'm commenting on http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/7dd1c7a4-5b61-11e0-b965-00144feab49a.html#axzz1IUD9yIJc, an article about Microsoft suing Google due to showing a “pattern of walling off content and data”. The end of the article tells the specifics of the sue, i.e. Google doesn't want their own content to be indexed by rivals' search engines. For me it's absurd to have the necessity of exporting data the way somebody wants it (competition to be exact) and use the same weapon that has been used against them - the EU Commission. It's even more absurd when you know the history between Google and Microsoft. For instance http://www.reelseo.com/google-accuses-bing/ covers the topic of MS stealing Google's search results (no matter how they are/were doing it). Is it a good way of entering the European search engine's market? Don't think so. Free market should remain free.
ReplyDeleteI've chosen an article from FT entitled "When the networks bubble over" by John Gapper.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I despise all the craziness connected with social networks nowadays I am still interested in the way they develop and quite frankly waiting for the craze to die out.
While reading tt came to me as quite a shock that "UK internet users now spend 25 per cent of their time online at social networks". Most of them have to be brain damaged by now ;)
I agree with authors' statement that Facebook & Twitter are highly over-valued due to the fact people claim they are going to be the next Google.
I've read the article on wired.com: "The Buddy System: How Medical Data Revealed Secret to Health and Happiness." It is about correlation between the relationships between people and their health. There is an example of how does obesity spread through the social network.
ReplyDeleteWhat was my first thought is something like message on Facebook that read: "Go see your doctor, most of your friends have had high level of cholesterol."
What causes such reaction is probably habits that are similar within groups of friends. People usually make best friends with those who are just like them. On the other hand, friends make influence on each other during their activities and make similar habits, often not knowing about it at first.
I think that mining medical histories of one's friends may give some insights about potential health problems, but it is not so simple to implement, as most medical data are kept secret.
I found this article: http://designcrave.com/2011-03-31/will-penis-graffiti-make-you-want-to-buy-stuff/#more-18991 interesting. Some company selling eg. newspapers online decided to draw penises on their ads at eg. bus stops to catch people attention. In my opinion yes - it may catch attention but it would not entice my to buy a newspaper - and this was the purpose - to catch attention and make people buy there. I think this is something new (its in Sweden) and I am wondering if this kind of ad would be accepted in Poland? I don't believe that there would be even approval for such kind of ad - can you imagine a situation like you are driving your car and there is a big billboard with some text and penis next it..
ReplyDeleteThe closest my interest was an article on the social networks of "The Buddy System: How Medical Data Revealed Secret to Health and Happiness. " The author cites a study that had a profound impact on the science of social networks. Research conducted by Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler indicated that there was a correlation between relations between families, friends and their health. What was interesting for me was the fact that the researchers took into account only the obesity. In my view, obesity is a disease that can be controlled. Therefore, it seems to me that these studies have indicated that when people have obese friends are more prone to obesity. This is the result of similar habits among friends who are matched according to the principle of similarities. It seems to me, however, that because people can care about their weight, these studies do not prove that there is a correlation between trade and health. If we take into account heart diseases it probably would be hard to find a similar correlation.
ReplyDeleteRegards to article ,, 12 Shocking Ideas That Could Change the World " thesis contained there are unreal-we cannot imagine world without prisons and to cut off aid to Cut Off Aid to Africa? Why? Because the prisons exist since we remember and we always provide help weaker. Most of these ideas perhaps could change the order in the world and in the fact people are afraid of extremely changes. Changes mean chaos and fear. We can introduce new way of our vision of any area of life but not caused such a negative emotion and touching moral sphere. It might look like I`m a conservative or maybe I`m afraid of changing my present world. All I know is that reading about quirk could be a motivate to thinking about or our world is well done.
ReplyDeleteI read http://www.wired.com/culture/culturereviews/magazine/17-10/mf_chanology
ReplyDeleteThe article presents an action born out of one of the forums against the church of scientology. A year ago I saw a movie that had been a manifesto of the action but I did not know that it had been originated on a internet forum and IRC channel. However, the the action itself was an example how a world view fight can move from the street to the Internet. The authors used DOSS attacks and trolling in the first stage of the actions. Although it also moved to the real world is an example of how new social movements may be born on the Internet.
I read 'Queue versus queue as Nintendo 3DS and Apple iPad 2 hit UK' article at http://blogs.ft.com/fttechhub/2011/03/3ds-ipad2/
ReplyDeleteI have chosen this one because I am a big fan of new electronic gadgets.
Article presents Nintendo 3DS - 3D game console and iPad 2 - Apple’s tablet computer. Both of them are the 'hottest' products at electronic market. Nintendo had 140,000 pre-orders in the UK, iPad 2 is the second version of iPad presented by Apple 10 months ago.
I am sure I buy iPad 2 this year ;) because I already have one game console ;)