Saturday, 27 November 2010

Human health XXI century (part 3)

At the end let's overthrow of a few myths.

Water. How much should drink one person?

In the water you drink does not provide any electrolytes, so the body is forced to retrieve them from storage tissue, which in combination with an equally idiotic using of table salt prohibition are shrinking rapidly. This way your body flushes out the maintain homeostasis ingredients mainly sodium, potassium and magnesium. Natural medicine and doctors recommendations to drink as much as possible, even 3l water on a day but in the nature any creature does not act in this way – don't drink like in the instructions but only when thirsty. So this health ordinances are very stupid. It would be a better feeling - the illusion of health. Well, when blood is diluted by water, we get the low levels of toxins circulating in it, so we are feeling better. Patients is enough to believe in those stupid recommendations.


Fever is often called as natural recovery process. It is characterized by increasing body temperature which also speeds up metabolism. This process accelerates the excretion, which is also faster removal of toxins from the body. In addition, white blood cells, which are designed to neutralize and destroy toxic substances, are stimulated to work faster.

Hippocrates recognized attributes of a fever, writing more than 2,300 years ago: "Give me fever, and I can cure your patient". Although high fever in children may be worrying, in the human brain is the mechanism that regulates and controls height. It ensures safety of the body.

Preservatives on the body effecting
We talk a lot about dangers of preservatives, but for some reason ignores important fact that the preservatives as well as other toxic substances, they are harmful not if they are eaten, but when are penetrated into the body in excess of the possibility of their expulsion, and contributing to total poisoning of the body, known as toxins.

Recently published papers: "We are what we eat", and if so - all eaten substances are using to build our bodies. It is difficult for more nonsense! Our body gets from food eaten only those substances that it needs. Our body gets from food eaten only those substances that it needs. If you compare the amount of stool to the amount of food eaten, you will understand that your body takes only a small quantity of the substance from food.

If preservatives are not needed for the body to anything, why would they absorb? We see what is nonsense. However, this doesn't mean that eating foods containing preservatives is harmless for our body. Preservatives are usually artificial chemicals, enough aggressive to damage cells of digestive tract.

  1. How many and what kind of fluid you drink during the day? Do you think this is healthy?
  2. After reading the paragraph about the fever, are you'll still be trying to get rid it during disease?
  3. Are you aware how many preservatives and processing aids have certain foods? Do you pay attention to the composition of the product when shopping?

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Human health XXI century (part 2)

Bioslone's idea promoting discovered by Hippocrates knowledge about health which is alternative for diseases. If you take care of health – avoid diseases, if fight with diseases – we are falling into deeper them. Toxins cause diseases and to prevent them, body tries remove toxins by pathogenic germs and parasites. Body puryfing causes symptoms, which are wrongly called as diseases, but they really prevent and treat diseases. If you are still struggled with symptoms of body puryfing by fighting with the participants of this process - the germs and parasites – you would increase the amount of toxins what consequently will irreversibly damage vital organs. And it's disease! Our role is to do nothing, because only then the disease will give us health. We cannot treat infectious diseases for a better mood because they eliminate the symptoms. The idea is body's natural immunity strengthen by providing essential nutrients to your stomach and then body will be able to remove toxins.

People from likes Puryfing Mixture. What is it? It's not a panaceum because it doesn't treat diseases but prevent them. How? The reason of all diseases are toxins, mainly penetrating into the body from the digestive tract by intestinal leakage. And this is the main task of Puryfing Mixture - the systematic elimination of erosions.

In the process of recovery, as well as prophylactic, the body needs a lot of vitamins and minerals. Meanwhile, also at a sufficient supply of food, there is a general shortage of these substances. It is caused by blocking the absorption of these substances in the digestive tract what is caused by deposits. And this is the second task of Puryfing Mixture - the systematic treatment of the digestive tract.

We are the descendants of ancestors.

Biosłone are saying we should eat everything what our body needs and it's not about different types of diets. They believe that the principles of a healthy diet are based not on scientific findings, but are continuation of ancestors' diet, including the adaptation to climatic conditions and regional culinary traditions. Avoiding processed foods full of preservatives and dyes. Balancing carbohydrates, proteins and fats, food rich in vitamin filled fruits and vegetables.

  1. Have you ever wondered where is the begin of your illness?
  2. Have you ever heard about Biosłone idea and what you think about?
  3. How looks your breakfast / lunch / dinner?
  4. Which products are you eatting to supplement vitamins in your diet?

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Human health XXI century (part 1)

People often ask what exactly is most important in your life. One of us will answer that family, another say friends or money. But most of us wishes of health when celebrating some festival. That's because when we are healthy, full of energy and ideas that somehow everything comes easier when we are looking solution for heavy situations.

What is health? Contrary to belief many of us it's not just absence of disease and is defined as "Good physical and mental state. State when functions of living organism run correctly." Human health is affected by many factors. Look at the chart:

Lifestyle - diet and physical activity are one of the few factors under our control. We can't change environmental conditions and genes, but we deciding what gets into our stomach.

Knowledge in this publication is mainly used from community. They are people whose idea is health which is called as acquisition of natural immunity for acquisition of disease resistance by ail and elimination causes of all diseases. They aren't interested in medical perceptions of health - treatment of symptoms or issuing of prescriptions. Rather, they provide knowledge of what any doctor will say and you can't read in any medical book - about health. They believe that illness is a process which getting rid of toxins from the body. Symptoms are the body's natural protection. We call them as diseases, but in fact they treat the disease. All diseases have a single cause, but appear in different ways depending on the place where they are.

This knowledge was hidden from the public more than two thousand years ago, but allows for the expected health effects, which are not the result of medical procedures, but by expulsion diseases from the body through health-oriented activities, such as: Puryfing Mixture, principles of healthy eating, Cocktail With Cellulose, and special diet if it's needed. If you are wondering what they have in mind that I invite you to read the second part of this publication - soon.

  1. What is your health for you? Do you consider yourself as healthy person?
  2. How can you affect on your health negatively and positively?
  3. What can you change in your life to health care?
  4. Have you ever consider the drugs from a doctor or always trust your doctor and take everything you received?

Friday, 5 November 2010

Smolensk - accident or assassination?

The initial reasoning doesn’t allow me to debar any version of this tragic event, so I can’t debar also the option of an accident and I can’t rule out the assassination, a planned action -as the media-. Media seem to target only the version of the accident, and the so-called warning against drawing hasty conclusions. So what? Don’t even put the question of whether the disaster couldn’t be planned the action? Maybe the question bother somebody? It offends someone? If not, it certainly offends common sense. But sense don’t afraid to question and as someone pointed out rightly, there are no stupid questions, may be only stupid answers. In this case, less of wisdom and folly* - important, that the answers are true.
Not assuming for a moment version of the accident, let's see if would be someone, who rejoice with this tragedy?

Can it be useful to anyone for anything immediate disappearance from public life several dozen group of people deciding on key issues Polish - defense, financial policy, national memory, etc.? Who could have in this business? Polish people, Polish patriots, or perhaps those to whom the existence of Polish bother?

If they want eliminate from the political life of large amounts of people uncomfortable at the same time, located at the same time on a small area, away from the possibility of quickly provide effective relief, whether it would be best not to do it in an aircraft?
Is it normal that the plane that crashed was under Russian control of the technical and passed the last review in Samara (Russia)? Is the safety of heads of state, Polish political elites should be at the time of stay in the air in the hands of Russian technicians?

Whether Russian special services, if they want, would have the technical ability to share organizing attacks, or may not be able to do something like this, to plan and execute? In which territory would be easier to organize such an action, only to fully control it (avoid the press, placing a land militia, not to grant interviews, etc.) - for another, or on your own?
If somebody wants to cripple, incapacitate an organized community, the State, which group will be eliminate first, the social? Ordinary gray citizens who may, at most, to vote in elections once every few years or maybe those who every day take many decisions, which determine the fate of the whole community? And who, during the Second World War the Germans and the Soviets murdered and deported to concentration camps in the first place, or sometimes not officers, professors, clergy, people in power? Are not those his authority, in word and attitude have an impact on the entire nation, would be able to pull it towards independence? If I want to kill somebody, then cut his arm, heel, or maybe your head? Has anyone heard of the so-called cutting of heads of the nation (Germany did it in Auschwitz, Dachau, Stutth
of, and the Soviets at Katyn, Kharkov, Mednove etc.)?

I think it wasn’t the case. First you need to ask yourself:
For what kind of Kaczynski hasn’t been invited on the same day as the Tusk? Why Putin wanted to split them?

It certainly wasn’t the case. How is it possible that the pil
ot, 2km from the airport was at the height of the trees!? It was the fog (and it's not so big), Polish plane full of VIPs.... and someone took advantage of the opportunity. Pilot landed just as he gave to the airport. Apparently, the light from the runway where set in the woods. The stories of witnesses shows that the pilot trying to pick up yet. So when he was low enough to see, that it wasn’t the airport (gave wrong parameters) tried to salvage the situation. Unfortunately ... I also heard from witness, that he heard two explosions - one lesser, second greater-could also be the case that the pilot realized that there isn’t the landing and try to escape, but the Russians shot yet down because it would be stupidity releasing them) And now all deal with the Russian service nobody commit to the scene. Isn’t it strange? They have a “black box” and they can do what they want. And probably it will be the pilot foult, because he can’t no longer defend himself... not the man who advise him.

I think it was attempt, why they don’t let the Polish jurnalists immediatly after the split. Why they put gun to jurnalists head, why nobody speak about it no longer, why similar threads are removed from the forums? I wasn’t supporter of L. Kaczynski, but he was patriot, who spoke the truth about Russia, and took a penalty, for which was he awarded in Georgia as a national hero! International news talked about the accident based on the Russian media and knowing, that the investigation is also Russian. Russia depends on the fact that the mob thought it was an accident, and Poland is too weak to say anything or accuse Russia.

As for me, too much cases here.

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