Saturday, 27 November 2010

Human health XXI century (part 3)

At the end let's overthrow of a few myths.

Water. How much should drink one person?

In the water you drink does not provide any electrolytes, so the body is forced to retrieve them from storage tissue, which in combination with an equally idiotic using of table salt prohibition are shrinking rapidly. This way your body flushes out the maintain homeostasis ingredients mainly sodium, potassium and magnesium. Natural medicine and doctors recommendations to drink as much as possible, even 3l water on a day but in the nature any creature does not act in this way – don't drink like in the instructions but only when thirsty. So this health ordinances are very stupid. It would be a better feeling - the illusion of health. Well, when blood is diluted by water, we get the low levels of toxins circulating in it, so we are feeling better. Patients is enough to believe in those stupid recommendations.


Fever is often called as natural recovery process. It is characterized by increasing body temperature which also speeds up metabolism. This process accelerates the excretion, which is also faster removal of toxins from the body. In addition, white blood cells, which are designed to neutralize and destroy toxic substances, are stimulated to work faster.

Hippocrates recognized attributes of a fever, writing more than 2,300 years ago: "Give me fever, and I can cure your patient". Although high fever in children may be worrying, in the human brain is the mechanism that regulates and controls height. It ensures safety of the body.

Preservatives on the body effecting
We talk a lot about dangers of preservatives, but for some reason ignores important fact that the preservatives as well as other toxic substances, they are harmful not if they are eaten, but when are penetrated into the body in excess of the possibility of their expulsion, and contributing to total poisoning of the body, known as toxins.

Recently published papers: "We are what we eat", and if so - all eaten substances are using to build our bodies. It is difficult for more nonsense! Our body gets from food eaten only those substances that it needs. Our body gets from food eaten only those substances that it needs. If you compare the amount of stool to the amount of food eaten, you will understand that your body takes only a small quantity of the substance from food.

If preservatives are not needed for the body to anything, why would they absorb? We see what is nonsense. However, this doesn't mean that eating foods containing preservatives is harmless for our body. Preservatives are usually artificial chemicals, enough aggressive to damage cells of digestive tract.

  1. How many and what kind of fluid you drink during the day? Do you think this is healthy?
  2. After reading the paragraph about the fever, are you'll still be trying to get rid it during disease?
  3. Are you aware how many preservatives and processing aids have certain foods? Do you pay attention to the composition of the product when shopping?


  1. I drink a lot of tea during the day i know that after the dinner or some fatty food we eat, it's good to drink something hot. But someone told me that only water is in fact beverage and all other "drinks" are kind of food because they included some nutritional value.
    About fever I think its obvious I am always try to get rid of it because its not very comfortable feeling:) and apart from that its just not safe to keep the fever which increase every hour..
    I think I am aware how many preservatives have certain food but I never check the composition ..I am to lazy.

  2. I’m drinking rather what I want and when I want. I agree with You. Too much water isn’t healthy. You can spot that, if you drink too much then you eject more of it. I believe that if my body need water / food then it told that by making me thirsty or hungry.

    I did know that fever is useful to faith with illness, but last time I was sick I used aspirin , because I wanna go to work.

    s8939 I don’t think you understand the fever paragraph. Fever is the body reaction and if its not too high then it help get rid of illness.

    Preservatives are in almost every food, so I don’t read the ingredient list to find one. This knowledge can only makes my food less pleasure

  3. I don't drink a lot of water but I like the idea of purification of organism but in the other way. Nowadays it's very hard to avoid preservatives so I don't read every label - it is very likely that I'll find some. I just try to keep the rule of common sense - I don't eat the junk food but I also don't spend money for very expensive eco-food. That kind of purification that I really love is going to the sauna twice/three times a week - I feel absolutely fantastic after session of heating there and than cooling down in freezing water. It also strengthen the resistance of the body. I really advice you to try that.

  4. 1. I drink as much as i need. Usually i drink Coca-Cola and Sprite but I also like to drink water. I know that water is the most healthy for our body but i can't deny myself some sodas. It is my small addiction:-).
    2. As I know high temperature called fever is also dangerous for our healthy. If you see on thermometer above 40 Celsjusz deg it is really dangerous for your organism. I propose to get it rid.
    3. I know that in our current world almost everything we eat have a lot of diffrent preservatives. If you want to eat healthy you can't buy meals on market but you should make your own food at home. In this way you have more control about food you eat. I never check what include the product which i want to buy because at first I don't know what does mean all information at label and second i just don't want to know!

  5. I try to drink as much as I can :}
    I think its something about 2 liters of clear water daily plus other drinks such as tea, ice tea, sometimes coffee.
    About fever I have same point of view as Artur.
    I'm very aware about amounts of preservatives in todays food and always pay attention to it, trying to choose natural and healthy food.

  6. I drink a lot of water, I always keep a small bottle of "Naleczowianka" in my bag. I used to drink orange juice everyday but I stoped when I read how much sugar it contains...
    I also love tea nad coffee.

    I agree with the others, very high feaver might be dengerous, low isn't demaging if it doesn't lasts too long.

    I wish I had enogh time in my life to think about composition of my meals...

  7. Recently I watched some program about water. Some scientists prove that water in bottles is only a huge business and that it isn’t more healthy than water from the tap. They said that it is just marketing. Production of bottles is really unhealthy for environment. It is hard to believe but never know.

  8. 1) I drink a bottle of water each day and that is the healthy part. But I also drink tea, cola and juices.

    2) I probably still will be trying to get rid it.

    3) To be honest I don't pay attention to the composition of the product when shopping.

  9. I drink 2 coffees a day, and about 3 teas and rest is pure water. Fever is good, I always knew that :) But when you feel really bad what else you can do? I don't pay attention what food is made of - I just don't care...
