Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (UOKiK)
UOKiK was founded over 20 years ago. One of its tasks is to check whether sellers follow the law. On their website in the consumer area you can find frequently asked questions and other useful informations. For more information please visit http://www.uokik.gov.pl or call 800 007 007 (trully a James Bond numer isn’t it?).
Rzecznik Konsumentów (RK)
While UOKiK is tackling abusive laws RK is handling individual cases. In Poland there are over 360 people that occupy this job. Few things you should know about their work:
1. They work together with UOKiK.
2. They’ll help you posting complains.
3. They will represent you in court.
4. They won’t charge you for their work.
If you don’t trust the Government you can always go to private institutions (co-financed by the Government) such as Polish Consumer Federation (Federacja Konsumentów - http://www.federacja-konsumentow.org.pl/) or Association of Polish Consumers (Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich – http://www.skp.pl). Their legal suport is free. In addition they organise information campaigns.
I highly encourage you to watch these two videos:
While I never had to go to institutions mentioned above it is good to know about them and know about your consumer rights. Sellers often try to avoid taking responsibility for faulty things and bend the law to their will but us consumers have the power to change it by showing knowledge about our rights (and sometimes by threats of going to court).
1. Do you think that consumers are well protected in Poland, do you have any knowledge about consumer proctection in other countries?
2. Did you learn something new from my presentation? :)
Finally I would like to thank you guys for participation the the blog, this is my fourth and last semester here. Wish me good luck with defending my masters project! Have a nice summer! *salutes*