Saturday, 11 June 2011

Adrenaline - Part 3

An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural."(source:

This definition is not exact though as some of the sports (for example road cycling) which are said to be highly risky and result in numerous injuries are not considered extreme. We can safely say that extreme sports are non-traditional sports that require people to combine athletic skill with pronounced risk.

Extreme sports might have gained popularity thanks to the increased safety of modern life. Some people may lack a feeling of danger in their everyday lives and so seek out dangerous and stressful situations doing extreme sports. Another reason is that sports technology improved over the years provides a better equipment that reduces risk and pain. Of course, let’s not forget that extreme sports are very appealing to the media. And by saying appealing I mean it’s a huge business. Much of the hype about extreme sports comes not from the participants, but from the industry that surrounds it. Extreme sport goods - including TV shows, graffiti art, energy drinks, and clothing - are a bigger business than sports themselves. The Extreme Sports Channel has an estimated audience of 20 million across Europe, most of whom wouldn't go anywhere near a half-pipe.

Even the most extreme of extreme sport pales into comparison with early climbers and explorers, for whom the risks were great and the outcomes unknown. The advert for Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914-17 Trans-Antarctic expedition read: “Men wanted: For hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.” (source

The history of extreme sports is still evolving. Some extreme sports combine the techniques and physical skills of two or more sports, often mainstream sports that were once considered extreme. As more people become aware of extreme sports, the activities gain more enthusiasts. Those who pride themselves in participating in cutting-edge activities are constantly searching for new ways to test themselves. This ensures the creativity required for the development of newer extreme sports. There is no doubt that as new techniques are tried and experimented with, the history of extreme sports will include many new and daring innovations.

Discussion topics:
  1. Do you find extreme sports appealing?
  2. What is the most extreme variation of sports that you’ve ever heard about or seen?
  3. Given a chance would you like to try base jumping from the top of a skyscraper?


  1. I think that climbing is an very extreme sport, climbing requires a lot of physical condition and nerves of steel... In my opinion other interesting extreme sports are: "Zorbing", "Hydrospeed" or "Extreme skiing"

  2. As Michał wrote climbing is very extreme sport, in my opinion more extreme is climbing buildings (like this spider-man) without any securites (for some time, as I know now there are some scurities when he is climbing - because other way he always ended in jail).
    I would like to feel like a bird and fly for a moment but I would be scared too much to do this, similarly like bungee jump - probably I would die falling down from heart attack or something like this ;P
    But it is very interesting and looks nice when someone does thing like this. Who knows, maybe one day I will grow up for this and make some jump

  3. Like I wrote in previous posts regarding extreme sports I don't find it appealing to me. I'm no adrenaline junkie and settle with normal sports.

    I think the most extreme sport I've heard about is train surfing. People climb on top of trains in motion and "surf" with no safety features involved.

    Base jumping no, but I would like to try bungee jumping from a skyscraper. I'd like to see the faces of office workers ;)

  4. As far as I remember such question has already appeared on this blog :) But no, I don't find extreme sports appealing. I rather find them to be an 'extremely' commercialized industry. What repels me in this kind of activities is the feeling that such games have eventually nothing in common with real sports. But that's just what I think and I might be wrong ;)

    Base jumping is definitely not a thing for me at the moment ;) I think I would need to do the, let's say, 'traditional' jump with a parachute first. To get some practice before I go 'extreme'.

    I think the most suitable for me at the moment would be the UNDERWATER HOCKEY :D
    Watch it!

  5. Answering you questions I'd have to copy previous posts, you have already asked about those things.
    So, no I don't like extreme sports, I can watch them. I don't really care so I can't tell about most extreme variations.
    I also won't be interested in offert about base jumping

  6. I am not a big fan of extreme sports. I watch them on TV sometimes, but I haven't try any of them and I think I would no try ;)
    The most extreme I have ever seen is skydives without parachute on your fourth movie.

    Given a chance would you like to try base jumping from the top of a skyscraper?
    Never ;)

  7. Extreme sports which I am interested and I would like to try are: paragliding, skydiving and mountain biking. Especially mountain biking I think it is within my reach.
    The most extreme sport which I ever seen is the base jumping from the top of a skyscraper, but I do not think I would like to try it, this looks very dangerous, can't do any mistake, so if you do you will not have second chance to do it again.

  8. I really like feel adrenaline. Jumping from skyscraper can be a extremly for sure. Unforunately, I`m not so selfconfident to make it. I prefer more safety sports like sky.
    I saw many extrem sport on Discovery channel- more of them are very danger for health.

  9. I find extreme sports very appealing :D I practise some of them and i love it. I love the feeling of increased heart beat rate, the noise of fast blood flow in your head, that's beatifol. Someone said 'Men feel most alive while dying' I think it's true, because of adrenaline. I think the most extreme variation of sports is base jumping. I mean, how crazy or brave you must be?! ;D
    If I was given a chance to try base jumping from the top of a skyscraper I would definitelly agree! xD

  10. ad1) I sure do find them appealing. They look nice on TV. I also enjoy 'extreme fails' which are surely more popular and frequent than 'extreme successes'.

    ad2) The ones mentioned. I'm not into extreme sports so I don't follow any news considering it.

    ad3) No, I would never jump off a building in a city. (

  11. Extreme sports seems great for me. I think that the most terrifying will be the fear before first time of one of those presented in video material, but after this first i will have willingness for more ;) i wold not want to try climbing without security because i love my life, but i trust parachutes (there are no so many accidents, more are during plane shows, on the road and so on...). One day i surly will jump from plane on parachute, maybe i will try to be like a fluing squirl ;)
