Saturday, 14 May 2011


Last the most serious earthquake in history took place in Japan. In this natural disaster died almost free thousand people. Many had to leave their own houses and moved out to safer territories. The earthquake was so powerful that even the strongest buildings didn’t survive and collapsed like a house made of cards. The specialist said that the earthquake had 9,1 point in the Richter scale.

This earthquake also caused very high and long wave of Tsunami which amplified the destruction of Japan. It was over 10 meters high and over 10 kilometers long.

At the beginning the earthquake damaged many building and killed many people . The water took many houses and killed many people as well .

One the most serious cause of this disaster was the damage of the nuclear power plant in Japan. It was the second biggest nuclear disaster in history of our world after the Czarnobyl. Again many of radioactive substances got over to the atmosphere and polluted very big surface of our world. Fortunately Japanese technique of nuclear energy is so well developed and they are well prepare for such kind of problem that they can fast and effectively deal with this problem.

After the earthquake the Japanese government really started fast to rebuild the infrastructure of the country and started to help people who suffered most.

Japanese economy is one of the strongest in the world and they are prepared for such strong earthquakes. This allowed them to reduce the scale of destruction. And this aspect rescued many people because they know similar disasters from the history of this country.

But I don’t believe Japanese in all what they say about the problem with the nuclear energy plant. It was really heavy damage and after a few days the problem suddenly was solved. They also say that not much of radioactive substances got over to the air. Maybe they want similarly like Russians hide some uncomfortable information. Russians didn’t tell the truth; the foreign media discovered facts about this event. And now I am worried that Japanese also want to hide some information which could be dangerous for their multinational position . And after all the facts I think that there could be more information which we don’t know.

What is your opinion of this topic?

1. Could they do something to prevent this natural disaster from happening?

2 . Do we know facts about the problems with nuclear energy plants? Or maybe we know only small percent of truth?

3. What in your opinion could people do to prepare for earthquakes?


  1. I really feel sorry for them. So big tragedy so suddenly. But they showed the world they are awesome people, they didn't panic, they started very well organized rescue action. There were no theft or defiance. They were waiting patiently in the line or help. They were calm and self-controlled. Also goverment seemed to be well prepared. As I read the Prime Minister quit his salary since everything will be controlled well. In Poland first thing wouldn't be sending help to suffering people but announcment of national mourning and creating super-special-council-group-to-this-disaster.
    But lets go back to the topic, it's highy possible that japanese goverment is hiding something but remember that other countries have their own gadgets to know how high radiation is so I guess if Japanese wouldn't tackle a problem, we'd know it quite fast. Just like the information about water pollution they caused, information spreaded really fast.
    About power plants, we still are researching details of this power so I guess we don't know a lot.
    I belive it's hard to prepare country for such hard earthquakes. As far as I know Japanese buldings were designed and constructed to survive earthquakes and many of them succeed. The biggest destruction made high and strong water.
    Nature is still much stronger than we are.

  2. Surely, there is no possibility to eliminate earth quakes, so actually there is no possibility to fully prevent from its causes. We construct more resistant buildings, we can prepare places to hide, we can describe procedures, but forces of nature are unpredictable (the proof are this disasters). To limit causes of earthquakes it is the best to build cities not on the tectonic plate borders, but it is easy to say that now, when technology allows to find them. Thousands years ago people organise their lives without this knowledge.
    For average citizen it is enough to know that this plants are save until they are not fully damaged (i think that it will no be danger of radiation if some coal power plant will be destroyed). So there is only question if there is high risk of its destruction.

  3. Could they do something to prevent this natural disaster from happening? Heh :) I have always thought that we do not have and will never have the control over the Nature...

    Out planet and the Natura are simply a power that we cannot even imagine... I think there's nothing they could do to prevent it.

    If it comes to the preparation for such an event the Japanese are just the best in that matter. It's highly developed country that is struck by the earthquakes on the regular basis. I think there's no other country prepared as much as Japan!

    The whole topic reminds me of one stand up of George Carlin - "Saving the planet".

  4. I agree with those above me saying that you can't prevent a natural disaster from happening. All you can do is to try to minimise the consequences. Japan lies in a region where earth quakes are quite common and I know that they are building structures having it in their minds. Tsunami on the other hand is impossible to stop.

    About the power plants - in my opinion we know only a small portion. For example what is happening there now? It's quiet in the media about it.

    Ad.3 - nothing, move to another planet.

  5. It was a huge catastrophy. Prime minister of Japan said that it is a worst cataclysm since second world war and i have to agree with this words.

    There are no any capabilities to prevent earth quakes right now. But i am sure that we will be able to fight agains them in the future.

    Probably we do not know everything about the problems with nuclear plant. It could cause huge national and even international panic. Thanks that it is not a crysis such it was in Chernobyl.

    Despite appearances Japan was greatly prepared for such a cataclysm. Building are specialy designed and people are prepared to evaquations and carry on special trening once a year to minimize loss in human as well as material things. Such a crysis in Poland would end much more tragically, and hope it will never happen.

  6. The disaster in Japan, shows us how we are powerless against the forces of nature. Still not able to prevent such disasters, but we should be able to protect themselves from its consequences. From what I can see, Japan is doing well and was prepared for an earthquake. The Japanese have training on how to behave in case of earthquakes and that is way there was no panic. Buildings in Japan have special structures to protect against collapse. However I think that in areas at risk of earthquakes should be a prohibition of building nuclear power plants.

  7. I don't know where did you read that they managed with this problem very fast.
    What I admire them for is that after this catastrophy they were discplined. They stood in queue for water, there were no robberies etc. I have even seen a photography of road damaged due to earthquake, and foto of the same road after 6 days - totally repaired - in our country it would take months..
    How can we prevent such disasters - we can't - all we can is to minimalize effects of it. Some poeple say that appearance of frogs on the streets is a message that earthquake is going to happen - but noone confirmed this theory so far.
    There are a lot of researches which aim is to find some factor thanks to which we will be able to predict earthquake and warn people at right time - but still they didn't find such factor.
    So we have to live with those surpries from Nature.

  8. I was really, really shocked when I learned about tsunami and earthquake in Japan!! I was also very, very sad, because Japan is No. 1 for me at The List of Dream Trip and I was there 3 years ago.. Its a beautiful land! I have great respect for the Japanese, because as villemo said "they didn't panic, they started very well organized rescue action. There were no theft or defiance. They were waiting patiently in the line or help. They were calm and self-controlled. Also goverment seemed to be well prepared."

    But back to topic Earth and Mother Nature are too strong and unpredictable when come about our future. Why? It's our fault. We, human, improve too fast and used the Earth's natural resources too much. Now we've: greenhouse effect, tsunamis, earthquake, Greenland is melted, weathers goes crazy (e.g. summer and winter at May!) We know a small procent about the real Earth's situation.

    I'm a little bit afraid of our future..

    I agree with Adam about Ad. 3 - moving to another planet. But to where? Mars? Moon? Or parallel reality? - That is a response to stand up of G. Carlin (one of the best man stand up) ;)

  9. We cannot avoid such disasters like earthquakes. This week we heard about another disaster in Spain and Costa Rica. Japan spends a lot of million-dollars for the fight against this element. Build special homes at balls which protect from enormous damage. Japanese preparation to earthquakes can be an example for another’s countries. People are learned since childhood how to behave during the upheaval. They keep calms in stressful situations. They can count on their each other.

  10. It was example of how strong force of nature is. I think they couldn't do anything to prevent this natural disaster. Japan has a very highly developed technology witch helps to minimize the effects of earthquakes, but there is no way to prevent the earthquake.

    I think japaneese government told everything about their problems with power plant. They behave inversely as the russians with Czernobyl.

  11. As most of you said before, there is nothing people can do to prevent natural
    disasters from happening. I thing thats why they are called natural. But you
    can of course prepare in some ways. Gathering water, food and other supplies
    can somehow help you survive the inevitable. Unfortunately as we can see at
    the Japan example even when you are well prepared you cannot predict
    everything. What happened in Japan is a great tragedy and as villemo wrote the
    way that they dealt with this disaster is really impressive.
    As far as the nuclear aspect is concerned I don't thing there is much to be
    afraid of. I claiming that Japan is hiding information about it sounds to me a
    little bit like another conspiracy theory.

  12. Earthquake in Japan was a very tragic event. Many people died and many lost houses and everything what they have.
    It is the example of the fact that people still can't control environment. I think there was nothing to do to prevent this disaster (there are many earthquakes in Japan, so if it will be possible to avoid them, I'm sure it would be done already).
    In my opinion Japan isn't hiding anything about disaster in Fukushima nuclear power plant - the Japanese are very different from the Russians. We shouldn't fall into the paranoia.

  13. There is not much we can do about the natural disasters. Earthquakes happen and will happen. We can only minimize the negative outcomes by carefully preparing just in case. As far as I know, Japan is one of the best prepared countries, as earthquakes there are quite often. While most of them aren't dangerous at all (thanks to good preparation of buildings, educating society and maintaining good flow of information), sometimes such tragic events happen. I think that nuclear energy is mostly safe, especially in Japanese hands. The problem is that no one could have predicted the earthquake of that magnitude.

  14. That what happened in Japan was a huge shock for me. Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, which is prepared for years for such a disaster. Their most modern buildings survived the earthquake, which was extremely strong, but the great wave of the tsunami, which came later destroyed everything.
    The affected buildings structures had no chance against such a mass of water rushing with great speed.
    The worst thing is, that the nuclear plants in Fukushima didn't pass. Which will have consequences for years.
    Worthy of admiration is, for sure, how it behaves Government of Japan, who is very involved in the whole situation and is able to combine fast action with a well-taken decisions, which in Poland is not feasible ....
    What's to hide the facts, I think that certainly is the case. After all, any negative information is bad for the perception of Japan in the world. They can't afford it.

    When it comes to preparing people to earthquakes, we had a very good example in Japan, where the earthquake caused minor damage to buildings and certainly in humans. They are from a child prepared for the earthquakes. At recordings we can see how they are composed, no panic.

    However, before such disasters as the tsunami of this size, or super volcanic eruptions (eg, beneath the Yellow Stone Park in the U.S.) we can not do anything.
    For me, this outbreak that supe volcan is real scenario at the end of an era of civilization. Only few people will survive.
