Friday, 13 May 2011

Part II – Hypnosis not for everyone?

Not only surgeons and anesthesiologists use hypnosis to obtain good results but also dentists, obstetricians, gastroenterologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists. Many of them are actually able to hypnotize the patient and then use suggestions to cause pain relief, stop a disease progression or change some behavior.

Why not everyone can be a hypnotist?

Because hypnosis is a very dangerous tool and shouldn't be used by somebody who doesn't know how to treat disorders of the psyche and the body - said Milena Karlińska-Nehrebecka, a psychotherapist, who has been teaching hypnosis in The Polish Society for Psychotherapy Brief for 10 years. The courses are reserved only for psychotherapists and doctors.

The technique of placing the hypnosis can be mastered in three days, said Milena Karlińska-Nehrebecka. The difficulty lies in the fact that this is concentration which is able to give the patient the right suggestion. Inappropriate suggestions made during hypnosis can't improve but rather worsen the condition of the patient.

The situation can be similar to poisoning organism with mismatched drug. Therefore, one of the major provisions of the code of ethics is that this should be used only for medical

purposes and research. It is forbidden to use it for entertainment!

Hypnosis is still more associated with magic tricks and shamanistic practices rather than medicine. Once in my live, during my holiday I was a witnessed of hypnosis show. I couldn't belive what I saw. On the one hand I liked it, because was very funny, people were doing very wierd things but the other hand I thought that people were doing what hypnotist said without any thinking. After show they couldn't belive what they were doing fe. one guy pretended to be a crocodile and danced like a chicken etc.

Have you ever been hypnotized or maybe you have been the witness? If yes, how do you remember it?

If not, would you like to experience it? Have you ever been thinking of trying it just for fun?



Source: Focus, May 2011


  1. If I would new that this hypnosis will not have any influence on my health, brain etc. in future I could try it - why not ;> I wonder whether I really wouldn't remeber anything - like after good party :P when people are telling stories and you can't remeber anything of what they are saying ;> I haven't seen anyone hypnotized live, only in TV, I don't even know where I could see something like that

  2. I'd like to try hypnosis,to feel how it is.
    But I was writing before, remember that technique is not working on all of us equally. It depends how easy we are on suggestions. So if someone is going to try hypnosis just to prove others that it's just a magic trick, not a real technique then it makes no sense.

  3. Few months ago I was in one of Warsaw's church. There is always special person who try to cure people in the church. And I saw during this rite how people after touching them heads by the person hands fell down. And it is some kind of hypnotise. And it is normal. People were lieing on the floor few minutes and after that they stand up and everything with them were ok. This is a litlle bit strange but I know that it is possible. So I believe in diffrent kind of hypnotise.

  4. Oh, I definitely would like to try it!

    I've recently reading about the relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis. All this sounds reasonable and logic.

    It's really beautiful how you can control the body just by using your mind. I think that methods like hypnosis or meditation can help staying healthy and achieving peace of mind. That's a nice idea how to improve our life quality.

    But I'm afraid a bit to experiment with hypnotising myself. Especialy when the hypnotiser would be someone that I don't know well;)

  5. I'd like to see if I'm immune to it or not. I'm not sure if you can be hypnotised for fun.. more for fun of others.

    All the techniques shown in movies are just laughable "your eyes become heavey, you fall asleep". Oh come on, this can't be true, who would fall for that?

  6. I never had any hipnosis and like to try it, but.. when is a hipnosis at scene I'll not going, because its for me some false tricks that suck money from people.
    But hipnosis are at serie Mentalist, do you watched it? I really like the main character, Patrick Jane who was a magican or medium-something and now he's helping police with cases. He use some hipnosis tricks or something in investigation. When you watch that its interesting and a little bit funny, but what if it happened in real life, in our police? It's a good question.

  7. I have never been hypnotized and I wouldn't like to try it. As it is said in the article it might be dangerous and you an never be sure that the person that is doing hypnosis to you is experienced enough. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against hypnosis, and as I read many of you would like to try it, but I'm just not tempted by it. I don't want my dark thoughts to be revealed:>

  8. I've never been hypnotized, but I were witnessed as I mentioned in the article. I do not think I would have the courage to undergo hypnosis before an audience and listen hypnotist - the person that I would not know before, I couldn't trust. But I would like to be hypnotized maybe, during dental treatment: D

  9. I don’t want be manipulation by someone strength. Interfering in to my brain because the can break down something. It’s up to you what you are doing with your life.

    All I had to say in this topic I have posted in previous parts.

  10. I was never hypnotised and I don't feel need for it :D I would be afraid that hypnotist could harm me in some way, so I would agree for hypnosis only if it would be critically needed. But if it takes only three days to learn hypnosis, why not...? :D

  11. I have never been hypnotized and never been the witness and I don't want to be. I think the mechanism of hypnosis is to less known to play with it. In my opinion playing with human consciousness has nothing to do with fun.

  12. I have never been hipnotized, but I was a witness two times and I really enjoyed it. I was quite afraid to allow to hypnotize myself. I've tried a bit of self-hipnosis, but with not much success, as I wrote in previous comment it allowed to deeply relax, not much more. I'm not a professional hypnotist, so that may be the cause.

  13. I noticed fact that hypnosis exists, but still it is difficult for me to persuade myself that someone use it, or that someone can be under the influence of someone just like that, maybe because my name is Tomasz i do not believe.There many psychiatrists but why there are not so many hypnotists? Why it is not so popular? Is it really so difficult to become the certificate hypnotist? I definitely would like to try it.
