Before discovering some really nifty information, let's figure out one really important question: What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis has been defined as the specific state of the brain in which alterations of perception or memory can be elicited by suggestion.
Only now with functional magnetic resonance studies, doctors are beginning to discover what hypnosis really is and how it works in the human brain.
The Polish team of scientists from the Jagiellonian University: prof. Jerzy Aleksandrowicz, dr Marek Binder and prof. Andrzej Urbanik deal with these issues.
The application of hypnosis to alter pain perception and memory dates back centuries.
Contemporary clinical investigators claim that the combination of analgesia and hypnosis is superior to conventional pharmacologic anesthesia for minor surgical cases, with patients and surgeons responding favorably.
More than 150 years have passed since the first documented use of hypnosis as the sole anesthetic for general surgical cases.
Hypnosis has been documented to help with: Weight Loss, Insomnia, Pre & Post Surgery, Nail Biting, Migraines, Stuttering, Smoking, Depression, Stress, Allergies, Impotence, Back Pain, Asthma, Sports, diabetes and much more.
Hypnosis was used in the surgery during World War II, when it was necessary to operate on wounded soldiers despite the absence of anesthetics. Now doctors are trying to apply it to patients who are poorly responsive to pharmacological narcosis.
Still, there are many cases where hypnosis is useful as an anesthetic. There are some that can't tolerate drugs due to a weak heart (or other condition). And using hypnosis in conjunction with anesthesia allows doctors to reduce the amount of chemicals used, lowers recovery times, shortens healing time needed, shortens hospital stays and increases the level of patient comfort.
I would like to know your opinion, what do you think about hypnosis used during surgery?
Do you believe that hypnosis can be effective as far as losing weight or quitting smoking are concerned? Or maybe you can think of something else?
Source: Focus, May 2011
I belive many of us after hearing "hypnosis" imagine illusionists with golden clock or spinning eyes that can conrol our mind which is literature and film product, because in real life it looks completely different.
ReplyDeleteI reccomend to read latests "Focus" which says a little different thing about hypnosis definition. It says that hypnosis is not state of brain or trance but a intensive concentration on second person.
I also read nice mits and facts about hypnosis just like "people don't remember what happened when they were hypnotised" which is not true and their amnesia appears only when they expect it.
It's hard to say if it's a good idea for using hypnosis in surgery, I've read about Pippa Plaisted who decided on hypnosis instead of normal narcosis with success. I heard that researches confirm that hypnosis is safe and effective but personally im not sure if I'd like to use that kind of method. Somehow I trust narcosis more. If only I was able to of course. After all it's good medium. What would happen if hypnotizer will feel bad or even collapse? It's just a human. (I know we can say the same about doctors BUT.)
I don't know if hypnosis can help with quitting somking, it works only during trans after all, isn't it? I believe the best method is our strong will :)
Moreover hypnosis doesn't work equally on everyone. It depends on our susceptibility on suggestions which again depends on our nervous system and selfcontrol. There are many factors that decide on hypnosis success.
In the end I will only add that I'd love to be hypnotized once to feel how it is ;>
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ReplyDeleteI am curious if hyponosis really can help to quit smoking - are there any proofs for that? I mean here are there people that stopped smoking and claim that it is thanks to hypnosis? I think similarly as vilemo that you have to have strong will, and maybe some hypnonsis seance can help to gain it.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if hypnosis is used in our hospitals? I haven't heared about it - am asking because you wrote that it is used to alter pain with some minor surgical cases.
If it really helps with nail biting you have to tell me how to do it because my girlfriend likes very much to bite her nails ;P
I’m skeptical of such treatment methods. It is ingress into the human psyche.
ReplyDeleteI know a few people who seemed a lot of money to give up smoking by using hypnosis. After month they returned to smoking.
In my view, to win any addiction, first we need to want it. Have to be convinced we do it for ourselves– for our health
I'm not sceptical about hypnosis, but I would rather be more careful about it. One cannot be too optimistic and euphorics about new extraordinary methods of medical treatment. There's no one ideal remedy to all the problems.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't depened only on hypnosis, but always consider standard chemical anaesthetics. Our brain and mind can make wonders controlling our body, but sometime it needs a little help. Meditation or relaxation methods are good for everyday stress, but I would strongly recomend to remember to take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Especially when it comes to hear diseases, cancer or any other serious diseases.
I don't think that hypnosis can be helpful in surgery. I think that it is a myth. I believe only in checked solution like narcosis. If I were a Doctor I would be afraid that my patient could wake up and suffer. So I think that nobody use this kind of anesthesia to make a surgery with anybody.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all hypnosis isn't 100% sure. There are some people that are immune to it or it just doesn't work as it does on others. I believe it's possible to make unusual things while under hypnosis but there is no guarantee that is needed for medical purposes.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's worth a try to quit smoking or loose on weight but more serious things like surgery I'd rely on medical anesthetics.
I heard about hipnosis and that it's helpfull. I'm not sure about that.. because I never tried to be hipnosed. Actually hipnosis is for me not so right, because it "play" with peoples psyhic. I dislike any games with psyhic, because its very sensitive part of human. Through hipnosis you can ask someona about everything and that person will told everything true. It's minus, but there is also plus that hipnosis can help you about fight with addiction.
ReplyDeleteAs others I'm rather skeptical about the idea of using hypnosis instead of normal anesthetics. Even though it might give the expected result, I personally wouldn't decide on it, as I would just be afraid of waking up.
ReplyDeleteAs far as quiting bad habits I think hypnosis can be effective, as after all our brain is very powerful and with good attitude we can cure ourselves from some conditions. And if someone lacs the strong will to lose weigh, or quit smoking I thing hypnosis might be of great help for them.
It was hard for me to believe hypnosis can be type of anaesthesia and is used during surgery. This can benefit for people who have contraindications to traditional methods of anaesthesia.
ReplyDeleteI am able to believe that hypnosis is able to help treat phobias and quitting smoking. It is worth remembering that hypnosis is only a tool, not a cure for all evil.
I didn't realize that hypnosis is such a big piece of science. I always associate hypnosis with crooks and swindlers. If hypnosis really can help to make people to forget about pain it is a very good method to use during surgeries. It's always better to use hypnosis than drugs, it's less invasive and healthier. I wonder if hypnosis is an effective way to quit smoking. I think it could help but with really big desire to quit smoking and it should be done by professional hypnotist.
ReplyDeleteI have ever think about hypnosis like some kind of magic. I am not sure if it really works. Quit smoking during some kind of strange sleep? I don't believe it.
ReplyDeleteEven if it is possible to enter the man in this state, I am wondering how it really affects on human mind. What if someone will wake up during the surgery? What if it will leave permanent traumas in human brain? For me: to many 'what if' to try it.
I think that hypnosis may be very effective in treating various health problems. One of my friends is interested in this topic and when I looked how he performed the hypnosis on someone else, I became convinced that hypnosis is working.
ReplyDeleteAfter that I read a bit about hypnosis and self-hypnosis. I really couldn't put myself in a deep trance, but self-hypnosis techniques allow to relax quite effiectively.
After reading this article i can say that hypnosis can be useful, but is it really effective? If it is, many smokers will definitely try this method and it would be more common. Maybe it can be some substitute of pharmacologic anesthesia if there are no conditions and possibilities to surge as in hospital, but nowadays it is not used so often, i think. It depends to much on ones potential to be hypnotized, what is not giving the guarantee of its success.